The intent of this podcast is to add value. It’s imperative for single moms to have a support system on their path of raising our future generation.

The main take-away is that we offer our listeners a place to come and learn more about their ever-changing world, while being entertained, informed, supported and uplifted.

This podcast is titled “X”and the single mom. The “X” is a variable meaning that it can represent anything. For example, it can be widowed and the single mom, divorced and the single mom, sex and the single mom, whatever and the single mom. The “X” represents what we need it to stand for.

Our promise throughout this process is to share our powerful stories, discuss and answer your questions, provide relevant information, and resources while highlighting the experiences of other single mothers’.

This podcast is available on the following platforms
(click your preferred platform logo to be taken directly to XSM Podcast)

Note: For pandora radio you may be required to sign in or create an account, before listening to the podcast.

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